在 Mastodon 4.3 中增加或修改字数限制和投票选项
在10月9日,mastodon(长毛象)迎来了v4.3.0版本的升级 我在观望了10天之后,今天还是将我的一个…
we can combine GPG/OPENPGP with Opentimestamps to enhance this self-proof.…
One use of this subkey is to authenticate via SSH using the GPG-AGENT on the server, without having to generate a separate set of SSH keys, which helps in unified management.…
Initially, I was reluctant to try a YubiKey because it's configured such that GPG/PGP private keys can only be written to it and cannot be exported. Additionally, my AIR doesn't have a USB-A port, and the four YubiKeys I bought on discount two years ago all use USB-A, so I found it too troublesome to use.…
Although I had heard of PGP before, I had never actually used it until recently when I delved a bit deeper into it. I've made some notes to share with those who might be interested.…
I recently snagged a bargain on the domain ruoo.de, with an annual renewal cost of just under 2 euros.…
I recently switched to using the domain name jdzhao.com for my blog, though I haven't been using this particular domain for very long and have had many others in the past.…