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Changes always happen faster than plans

I haven't written a blog for over half a month, mainly because I've been too busy with work after returning.

I was called back to Chongqing from Beijing earlier than expected and was assigned to a transitional position at work, something I had never dealt with before. As a result, I've been busy from morning till night every day.

Initially, I was supposed to manage this department's affairs until the end of the year. I had started diligently studying the department's documents and business, and cautiously began engaging with the people I needed to interact with.

But sometimes changes come faster than you expect… faster than a tornado.

After just over a week of settling in, I started hearing some rumors.

Sure enough, this Monday, I received news of a new appointment.

Today, I had a general handover with the newly arrived person who will be "in charge."

Next Monday, I'll be starting at a new position in a new department.

It really feels like being on a roller coaster.

Luckily, the temporary position wasn’t officially recorded, otherwise it wouldn't look good on my resume.

I hope that in the new position next week, I can focus solely on the job at hand without any additional responsibilities.

No more extra tasks, please.

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