Yesterday, I applied a Japanese node reverse proxy to the blog, and last night I tested it with CHROME, which worked fine, but SAFARI did not, and I thought it might be a caching issue.
Today, I discovered that the default browser on iOS also showed the same error message "can’t parse response", so I figured it might not just be a caching issue with a specific browser. After searching around online, I finally found a solution ( Here's a record of it.
The cause of the issue:
When proxying an HTTP/2-enabled webserver with nginx, nginx fetches resources using HTTP/1.1, which the backend server tries to upgrade to HTTP/2 by sending the “Upgrade: h2” header.
In the default configuration, this header is then forwarded to the client, which is incorrect.
In the case of nghttp, this is interpreted as an error:
当使用 nginx 代理一个支持 HTTP/2 的 web 服务器时,nginx 使用 HTTP/1.1 获取资源,而后端服务器尝试通过发送 “Upgrade: h2” 头部来升级到 HTTP/2。 在默认配置中,这个头部随后被转发给客户端,这是不正确的。 在 nghttp 的情况下,这被解释为一个错误。
In the reverse proxy configuration file, add the following code:
proxy_hide_header Upgrade;
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