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After turning 30, insurance anxiety.

I remember casually buying myself and my family some basic health insurance or welfare insurance because it was cheap and I didn't take it seriously at the time, nor did I consider whether the coverage was appropriate or not.

At the beginning of this year, a family member developed pulmonary nodules and underwent surgery. The medical insurance covered less than a third of the cost (due to many self-paid imported items). Later, through the welfare insurance (which was rather basic with a deductible of 20,000 CNY), we received a reimbursement of about 20,000 CNY. This made me realize that commercial insurance can indeed be useful.

Afterwards, I sorted things out. For example, if a family member has pulmonary nodules and even after surgery the pathology result is malignant, it becomes impossible to purchase other insurances regardless of the type of invasion. However, the insurance we had bought was on a one-year automatic renewal basis, so I was very worried that the contract would be terminated in the next renewal cycle.

Looking at my own situation, although I had never used it, the six-year version of the good health insurance also caused me anxiety. If I were to fall ill and receive a payout, and then the insurance does not renew, that would be a concern.

After comparing several plans, I hurriedly purchased the flagship version of the good health insurance four months before the expiration of the six-year version (the medical insurance guarantees renewal for 20 years, and cancer insurance guarantees lifetime renewal), although it was more expensive than the regular 20-year renewal guarantee version. However, compared to the cost of a meal, a bottle of wine, or a month's worth of cigarettes, it really isn't much.

If you're reading this article, I would still suggest buying it if you can, otherwise as you age and develop some health issues, you might find yourself wanting it but unable to get it.

5 responses

  1. 向阳而生 Avatar

    我的一个叔叔突发脑溢血,ICU 住了半个月,幸好有商业保险……

    1. zhaojundong Avatar


  2. 优惠券平台 Avatar


  3. 理性瞎说yo Avatar

    保险这玩意就是年轻时不在意 年老时着急买的东西(笑

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