Before this, I had used website analytics systems like Google Analytics and Cloudflare, but they always failed to match my usage habits, and I felt a significant discrepancy between their data and my expectations.
Since my server had surplus capacity, I decided to build my own system based on Matomo. This tool does require considerable server performance, but so far, it's working well, and there hasn't been any noticeable change in server load.
Why choose Matomo? Firstly, it allows for the customization of the monitoring dashboard, enabling adjustments to include the widgets that I need and am accustomed to. The transition records are also very sleek, showing entries and exits from a page.


It also displays real-time visits comprehensively, recording which pages were visited, how many times, and so on.

The system records detailed information about the visitors, such as their country, system, and software, among other things.

It's also very convenient to use on mobile devices; you can download the official Matomo app, and after logging in, you can use it immediately.

I have already activated tracking on a few of my work websites. Since this tool is quite resource-intensive, I have not opened it for free registration yet.
If any friends are interested in experiencing it, you can leave a message or send me a private message~ I will send an invitation email to interested friends.
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