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Yearly Recap: How Much Did My Websites Lose

This year, with some spare time, I decided to calculate whether my internet expenses and costs over the past calendar year were indeed powered by passion or if there was a small surplus. This was also part of considering whether to open a sister site to divert traffic for my fully loaded website. So, converting everything into Chinese Yuan, let's tally up.

First, let's calculate the overall costs:

Server costs (excluding small VPS for personal use): US Server #1 at $240/year, US VPS #1 at €120/year, Europe Server #1 at €550/year, which is approximately 6660 Yuan in total.

Domain expenses: Based on the number of CF resolutions, let's estimate 18 domains of various extensions. I'll calculate with an average and a discount at $5 each, which amounts to $90 a year, approximately 630 Yuan.

Income over the past year:

GOOGLE ADSENSE income: 600 pounds, approximately 5500 Yuan.


Other income: $390, approximately 2800 Yuan.

Final profit and loss situation: 2800 + 5500 - 6660 - 630 = 1110 Yuan.

If we account for other miscellaneous expenses, it might just break even.


It's a celebration, at least it's not a loss!

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